The stock Drive Chain options are limited to 4 choices; (now no Singlespeed option as of 2021/22)
- Singlespeed
- 2 Speed
- 3 Speed
- 6 Speed
Each of these have their place, and for some none of them are quite right.
With each option you can adjust the ratios and with the 2 Speed and 6 Speed the range, by changing the chainring or sprocket(s) sizes.
You can view the stock gear ranges / ratios here and below the options aftermarket such as the Rohloff Speedhub 14.
- Singlespeed
- 2 Speed
- 3 Speed
- 6 Speed
Each of these have their place, and for some none of them are quite right.
With each option you can adjust the ratios and with the 2 Speed and 6 Speed the range, by changing the chainring or sprocket(s) sizes.
You can view the stock gear ranges / ratios here and below the options aftermarket such as the Rohloff Speedhub 14.